Baffins Milton Rovers Youth Football Club aim to provide a club that is accessible to all youth players and for all coaches to deliver fun and engaging sessions that helps to keep children in football as well developing them into football players.

We aim to create a positive learning environment in which players are encouraged to express themselves and play freely without fear.
Baffins Milton Rovers Youth Football Club aim to concentrate on long-term development rather than short-term results. 
We encouraging all players to be creative, exciting and play attacking football. 
We aim to create intelligent, tactically aware football players who can adapt to the constantly changing game in line with the English Football Association.

Our Managers & Coaches strive to improve and motivate players to play with imagination which gives them opportunities to experiment so they can think for themselves and become skilled, independent decision makers on the pitch. 
As a club, Baffins Milton Rovers Youth aim to develop and nurture young players so that they can achieve their full potential and aim to deliver enjoyable, inspirational, age-appropriate coaching syllabus, which are challenging but achievable.

Alongside coaching Association football, we aim to teach the players to be respectful to Managers and Coaches, team members, opposition, Match officials and Parents. 
This will then result in players becoming respectful, hard-working, team players, that show impeccable sportsmanship. Whilst being able to understand the game which in term will enhance their individuality aspects making them able to help the team.

We stand as a pillar in the community and want to help the local Portsmouth grass-roots football landscape grow, prosper and thrive.

As a club, Baffins Milton Rovers Youth aim to nurture young players so that they can achieve their full potential in an enjoyable way to hopefully progress onto the men’s football team.